Latest Site News

Updated 12/31/2021

General Updated bio details for B. Marshall; added lap leaders for races  from 1905-35; added race name for 1910 Atlanta 1 and 1911 San Francisco 2

Updated 12/23/2021

1946 Atlanta Corrected race distance
1947 Atlanta Added laps for positions 2-9, 13
1948 Arlington Added race name
General Updated bio details for A. Unser; added lap leaders for all races 1936-69

Updated 12/2/2021

1911 Bakersfield Corrected laps for top 2 finishers and added race name
1940 Langhorne (NC) Added significantly more data
1952 Darlington Added starting positions 11-21; added non starter Widenhouse
1952 Martinsville Added lap leaders
1955 Milwaukee 1 Added chassis for G. Lynch
1970 Phoenix 2 Added car info for Morley; added non starter Warren
1970 Multiple Races Corrected chassis info for #98
1971 Indianapolis Corrected chassis info for #97
1971 Trenton 1 Corrected chassis info for Walkup
General Updated bio details for Bondurant; added lap leaders for all 1970s races

Thanks to Richard Salamon and Roberto SF for their recent contributions.

Updated 11/8/2021

Final 2021 Formula Regional stats are now posted.  All series covered by the site are now complete for 2021.

Updated 10/25/2021

Final 2021 Formula 4 stats are now posted

Updated 10/18/2021

Final 2021 Atlantic Championship stats are now posted

Updated 10/4/2021

Final 2021 Indy Lights, Indy Pro 2000 and USF2000 stats are now posted

1909 Indianapolis 3/Lowell 4 Added riding mechanic for Lytle
1909 Philadelphia Added race name
1912 Elgin 2 Added starting positions
1915 Minneapolis Added starting positions
1916 Sheepshead Bay 1 Added starting position
1919 Ascot Added non-starters W. Brown, A. Christensen, Haugdahl; updated status for E. Murray
1919-20 Elgin Added race name

Updated 9/28/2021

Formula Regional and Formula 4 stats are updated through VIR

Updated 9/27/2021

Final 2021 IndyCar stats are now posted

Updated 9/21/2021

IndyCar and Indy Lights stats are updated through Laguna Seca

Updated 9/14/2021

IndyCar and Indy Lights stats are updated through Portland, and Atlantic stats through Autobahn

Updated 8/31/2021

Indy Pro 2000 and USF2000 stats are updated through New Jersey

Updated 8/24/2021

IndyCar, Indy Lights and Indy Pro 2000 stats are updated through Gateway

Updated 8/16/2021

IndyCar stats are updated through Indianapolis

Updated 8/9/2021

IndyCar stats are updated through Nashville

Updated 8/2/2021

Atlantic stats are updated through Elkhart Lake, and the results from the final F4 race at Brainerd have been updated to account for penalties

Updated 7/23/2021

The Ladder Series section of the website has expanded again.  Formula Regional and Formula 4 results are now available.

Updated 7/14/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for riding mechanics Ainslee, Arnold, Barbour, Barner, Berry, Boyle, Bresnahan, Caywood, Clarke, Cox, Curley, Dean, Dickson, Doeckel, Duesenberg, Etges, Farber, Franzen, Frowiss, Fuhrmann, Goodson, Guschel, Haehnel, Hahn, Harris, Henning, Holcomb, Howie, Hurst, Jacobs, Jenter, Johnson, Jolls, Jones, Jordan, Justen, Kellum, Kientop, Kiser, Lanham, Larcher, Latta, Marshall, Martin, Matlock, Maxwell, McNamara, Michaelis, Newton, Opalko, Pickup, Pozzo, Sarvis, Schneider, Schrader, Towers, Tschan, Unversaw, Whitaker, Woessner, Woodruff; added riding mechanic for Stapp at 1934 Indianapolis

Updated 7/8/2021

I'm happy to say there's another section now added to the Ladder Series part of the website.  Barber Pro Series results are now available.  It's not 100%, but it's very, very close.  There are a handful of races (16 to be exact) where I haven't yet got full results.  All the point scorers are there, it's just a few of the cars further back are missing.  1990 is the year most affected, but there are a few races like that in 1986 and 1991 as well.  Big thanks to the International Motor Racing Research Center for their help with this.

Updated 7/5/2021

IndyCar and RTI stats are updated through Mid-Ohio

Updated 7/4/2021

Happy Birthday! turns 17 years old today!

Updated 6/21/2021

IndyCar and RTI stats are updated through Elkhart Lake, and Atlantic through Pittsburgh

Updated 6/14/2021

IndyCar and RTI stats are updated through Detroit

Updated 6/7/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Schaefer, S. Schmidt, Slade, Sposato, Sun Hawk, Swank, Tattersall, Tetzlaff, D. Thompson, Tolsma, Tomei, Van Ranst, Velguth, F. Wells,  Wickens

Updated 6/1/2021

IndyCar stats are updated through Indianapolis

Updated 5/30/2021

RTI stats are updated through IRP, Atlantic stats through Barber, and biographical details of some sort have been updated for Barber, Haddad, D. Hall, M. Hansen, C. Hartley, Haywood, Hepburn, J. Hill, Hinnershitz, Hornish, J. Jackson, Johns, V. Johnson, P. Jones, Karnatz, Knapp, Kostenuk, Lariviere, Larson, B. Lazier, J. Lazier, Leavitt, J. Leffler, Linden, Lockhart, MacDonald, Mattson, W. May, J. Mayes, J. McElreath, J. McElreath, H. McKee, Metzler, C. Mears, R. Mears, Menninga, Miaskiewicz, Z. Meyer, Michner, J. Miller, Minyard, Monahon, Moosie, L. Oldfield, Orstander, Phillips, Rawlings, Ribeiro

Updated 5/18/2021

IndyCar and RTI stats are updated through Indy GP, Atlantic stats through Mid-Ohio, and biographical details of some sort have been updated for Cariens, D. Carter, V. Carter, Clum, Copp, Corum, D'Alene, Dallenbach, Dallenbach Jr., R. Davis, DeHymel, J. DeLelys, Dinsmore, Dockery, Elder, Ellis, Fetterman, Gill, Ginther, A. Gordon, B. Gregg, Herrick, Jenkins, L. Moore

Updated 5/4/2021

IndyCar stats are updated through Ft. Worth, and biographical details of some sort have been updated for Barrett, Barron, G. Bettenhausen, Bisch Jr., Boys, Brunmier, B. Unser.

1997 Indianapolis Added starting positions for cars eliminated before the start
2020 Elkhart Lake 2 Corrected laps for Askew
2020 Ft. Worth Updated status for Ferrucci
2020 Gateway 1 Corrected laps for Carpenter and updated status for Rahal
2020 Iowa 1 Updated status for Veach

And there's a new section to the Ladder Series portion of the website!  Formula BMW statistics are now available.

Thanks to Carl Fisher, Grzegorz Skorka and Roberto SF for their recent contributions.

Updated 4/26/2021

IndyCar and RTI stats are updated through St. Petersburg, and biographical details of some sort have been updated for Ader, T. Alley, Archuleta, Glotzbach, S. Stapp, B. Whittington

Updated 4/20/2021

IndyCar and RTI stats are updated through Barber

Updated 4/14/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Tansy, Tapply, B. Taylor, H. Taylor, Teague, Tegtmeier, C. Templeman, Terrien, Terry, Teter, Thebaud, J. Thomas, J. Thompson, R. Thompson, Thorne, Threshie, Thurman, Tichenor, Till, Tillman, Tippins, Titus, Tobias, Tolan, Tomasini, Topping, Toran, Treadway, Trexler, Triplett, Tripp, Trowbridge, Turco, Turgeon, H. Turner, B. Tyler, Ulesky, L. Unser, I. Vail, W. Vail, Van Conett, Van Etten, Van Gorder, Vandervoort, Vasser, Veach, Veith, Velguth, Verbeck, Verebly, Vest, Vetrock, Villeneuve (I), Volk, Von Tilius, Vose, Waldo, Waldrop, Walkup, B. Wallace, Wallard, Walther, R. Ward, Warke, Warren, Warriner, R. Wearne, Weatherly, L. Webb, Wehr, Weightman, Weiler, Weiss, J. Weld, Wente, R. West, Wetmore, Weyant, Whalen, J. White, W. White, D. Whittington, R. Whittington, Wilburn, H. Wilcox, H. Wilcox, Wilkerson, Wilkinson, Willbanks, C. Williams, D. Williams, I. Williams, Willman, D. Wilson, L. Wilson, Winblad, Wingerter, Winn, Winnai, Witt, J. Wood, Woodbury, Woodford, Woodside, Yanigan, Yetter, Yoder, G. Young, Yowell, Zale, Zalucki, Zengel, Zucker

All relevant pages have been updated for the start of the 2021 IndyCar and RTI seasons, and final virtual series results are posted

Updated 3/29/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Heimrath, Salay, Sall, Sanborn, Sankey, Sanko, Sarles, Saulpaugh, Sawyer, Saylor, Saynor, Scarborough, Scheifler, Schindler, Schnack, E. Schneider, L. Schneider, Schoeneck, G. Schrader, J. Schroeder, B. Scott, L. Scott, Scovell, Secrist, See, Seed, Seibel, Selser, Sennett, Sents, Shafer, Shain, Shambaugh, Shanebrook, E. Shannon, W. Sharp, Shattuc, H. Shaw, H. Shaw, M. Shaw, Sherman, Shirley, Shoaff, B. Shuman, B. Shuman, R. Shuman, Siefert, Siegel, Silvia, T. Simpson, Sivret, Sloan, Smiley, J. Smith, O. Smith, R. Smith, R. Smith, Snell, Snellbaker, T. Sneva, Snider, Snoddy, Snowberger, J. Snyder, Sockwell, Sooy, Souders, Southcott, C. Spalding, W. Spalding, Sparks, Spath, Spear, B .Spence, Stacy, B. Stapp, Stearns, Stecher, Steele, Stevens, Stevenson, Stickney, Stine, Stinson, Stockman, Stockwell, Stoecker, Stokes, Strang, Strickland, Striegel, Stringer, Stutz, B. Sullivan, Swartz, Sweikert, Syer, Szekendy

Also the first two rounds of the IndyCar virtual series are now posted

Updated 3/17/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Aiken, L. Anderson, Rader, Radina, Rae, Raecker, Rager, G. Rahal, Raimey, Rand, B. Randall, B. Randall, H. Randall, Rapp, Rasmussen, D. Rathmann, Ravenstein, E. Ray, H. Ray, Reece, D. Reed, J. Reed, C. Reeder, C. Reeves, S. Reeves, Regester, Renna, Rettberg, Reynard, J. Reynolds, L. Rice, R. Richards, Richmond, Ridlon, Rieck, Rigsby, Ringler, F. Roberts, F. Roberts, M. Roberts, M. Roberts, S. Roberts, Robertson, Rockhold, Rodee, B. Roe, A. Rogers, C. Rogers, Romine, Romit, Rooney, Roscher, B. Rose, D. Rose, E. Rose, Rosengreen, E. Ross, A. Rossi, Rounds, Ruby, Rusch, T. Russell, E. Russo, J. Russo, P. Russo, Ruttman, Ryall, Thicksten.  Thanks to Carl Fisher and Jim Thurman for their recent contributions.

Updated 3/9/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for J. Packard, Padia, Padula, M. Page, Painter, O. Palmer, S. Palmer, Pankratz, Pardee, Parkin, Parkinson, C. Parsons, J. Parsons, Patschke, A. Patterson, J. Patterson, Peacock, Pennebaker, Pens, Pentecost, C. Peterson, J. Peterson, Petticord, Pifer, Pigot, Pirong, J. Poland, Ponzini, Posey, B. Pratt, Price, Prosser, Pullen, Puterbaugh, J. Putnam, F. Quinn

Updated 3/4/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for B. Lacy, D. Meacham, Nalon, B. Nance, O. Nance, Nardi, Nauman, Nearburg, Newhouse, Nicholson, J. Nikrent, L. Nikrent, Nish, Nordhorn, Novotny, E. Noyes, E. Noyes, Oakes, Oberting, O'Connor, E. O'Donnell, Olds, Olenbush, B. Olsen, O'Neal, Opsahl, Ordway, O'Reilly, Ornduff, H. Ormsby, L. Ormsby, Orr, Osborn, C. Ott

Also this year's virtual Road to Indy series finale is now posted

Updated 2/25/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Mabe, MacDougall, MacKenzie, Mackey, Madden, Maisonville, Malamud, Malcolm, Malone, G. Manning, Mans, Mantz, Marchese, Marion, Marquette, Marquis, C. Marshall, G. Marshman, Marvin, Mason, Matera, Mathewson, Mathouser, Matson, Mauro, R. Mayes, Mazzucco, McCarver, E. McCoy, L. McCoy, McCroskey, McDonogh, J. McDowell, McFarlin, McFee, McGaughy, McGehee, S. McGrath, McGreevy, McGurk, McKelvy, McKenna, McKeone, McKone, McLees, E. McMillan, McQuagg, McQuinn, McVey, D. Meacham, Mecklem, F. Melaun, J. Melaun, A. Melcher, Mertz, Merz, Merzney, Metzler, D. Meyer, J. Meyer, Michener, Mikan, Milburn, A. Miller, A. Miller, B. Miller, C. Miller, C. Miller, C. Miller, M. Miller, R. Miller, T. Milton, W. Mitchell, Moe, L. Moore, C. Moran, Morelock, Morgan, B. Morley, G. Morris, C. Mosely, Motter, Moughan, A. Mulford, R. Mulford, Murdock, Musselman, Muther, Piepenburg, Roads

Also week 4 results for this year's virtual Road to Indy series are now posted

Updated 2/18/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for LaCasse, Ladd, Lake, Lamb, Lambla, Landry, Langley, J. Larson, Larzelere, Latham, Lawwell, Lazzaro, LeCain, Lecklider, F. Lee, Leighton, Leinau, Leipert, Leisaw, Lente, Lescault, Levrett, D. Lewis, Light, Ligon, Liguori, Limberg, Linder, Lipper, Livengood, Loquasto, Lorimer, Lowderman, Luptow, Luttrell, L. Lux, R. Lux, G. Lynch, Lytle

Also week 3 results for this year's virtual Road to Indy series are now posted

Updated 2/13/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Insinger, Ireland, Irvin, Jacobi, Janette, Jardine, Jay, J. Jenkins, Joerimann, E. Johnson, L. Johnson, Johnstone, B. Jones, D. Jones, W. Jones, Justen, Kalen, Keech, Keen, T. Keene, Keim, A. Keller, C. Kennedy, B. Kessler, Key, Kimball, Kindred, B. King, D. King, J. King, K. Kinser, Kirchuber, Kiser, Kladis, Klar, Klausler, J. Kleinschmidt, P. Kleinschmidt, Klemos, Kleopfer, A. Knepper, R. Knepper, Knipper, Koch, Koenig, Koetzla, Kohlert, Kouba, Krieger, Kudrave, Kuhn, Kulick, C. Smith

Also week 2 results for this year's virtual Road to Indy series are now posted

1937 Syracuse Updated details for F. Davis, Snyder
1938 Syracuse Updated details for Beeder, Brisko, Cantlon, Koehler, Light, C. Miller, Willman; Added non starters Andres, Cusick, Huss, Moon, Sawyer, L. Webb
1939 Syracuse Updated details for Hanks; added non starters I. Hall, Marion
1960 Pikes Peak (NC) Added finishing positions 11-13 and designated all others as DNF

Updated 2/4/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Hagelin, E. Hahn, J. Hahn, P. Hahn, Haibe, A. Hall, H. Hall, I. Hall, N. Hall, K. Hamilton, Hamlin, B. Hammond, G. Hammond, J. Hammond, Handshew, Hansgen, Hanshue, Hanson, Harder, Harkey, Harnar, Harpst, Harriman, Harrington, B. Harris, G. Hartley, Hartsfeld, Hartz, B. Harvey, L. Harvey, P. Harvey, Hatcher, Haupt, Haustein, Hawley, Hazen, Headley, Hearn, Heath, Helms, Hemmings, P. Henderson, Henning, Herman, Herr, Herrick, B. Herring, G. Herring, Hewitt, Heywood, Hickey, A. Hill, G. Hill, J. Hill, Hobel, R. Hodges, Hoffer, D. Hoffman, S. Hoffman, Hogle, B. Holland, J. Holmes, Homeier, Hoppe, Horan, Hornbrook, B. Horne, E. Horne, Horstmeyer, Houck, Householder, N. Houser, T. Houser, P. Howe, J. Hoyt, L. Hoyt, J. Hubbard, R. Hubbard, Hudson, Huebner, Huff, H. Hughes, R. Hughes, B. Hunt, T. Hunt, Hunter-Reay, Hurt, Hursh, Hurtubise, Huss, Hyde

Also week 1 results for this year's virtual Road to Indy series are now posted

Updated 1/21/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Gallione, Galvin, Ganassi, Ganung, Garfield, Garrett, Garringer, Garson, I. Gates, Gehricke, Gesell, Giba, A. Gibbons, J. Gibbons, Giebler, Gilchrist, Gleason, Gloy, Goacher, Goldsmith, Goode, H. Gordon, R. Gordon, Gottschalk, Gouse, Graham, Granatelli, H. Grant, Grecco, C. Green, E. Green, Greenfield, B. Gregory, M. Gregory, Grenon, Griffith, Grim, Gritzbach, R. Groff, Groves, Guerand, Gulotta

Also, thanks to Carl Fisher and Eric Miller for recent contributions.  Unfortunately I'm having email issues and couldn't respond to you two.

Updated 1/15/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for Cupeiro, Earl, Earnshaw, Easton, K. Eaton, Eckerle, Eiteljorg, B. Eldridge, Ellefson, Ellingboe, F. Elliott, B. Endicott, H. Endicott, Engelhart, Englebeck, Ensley, Erwin, Etheridge, Ewan, Fahrnow, C. Fairchild, Falt, Fankhauser, Fanning, Fansin, C. Farmer, F. Farmer, Farr, Fearick, Fedricks, Feichtinger, Felty, Fengler, Fenner, A. Ferguson, Fields, Figge, Fillip, Finney, D. Firestone, N. Firestone, W. Fisher, Fohr, Follmer, T. Foltz, Fonder, Forberg, Force, P. Ford, Fountaine, Fowler, M. Fox, Fraizer, Frame, Frantz, Frayer, R. Free, W. Frey, Frieden, Frye, Fults, Furci, Furst

Updated 1/5/2021

Biographical details of some sort have been updated for A. Andretti, Daigh, Dana, Dauphin, Davidson, D. Davis, Dawson, Day, Daywalt, de Quélin, Dearborn, DeCamp, Decker, DeFraties, DeHart, Delaney, Denslow, Desch, C. Devlin, B. Devore, E. Devore, Dickinson, Dickson, Didero, Dingley, Dobson, G. Donaldson, Donohue, Doster, Dotter, Drach, Drane, Draper, Droeger, Drollinger, DuChesneau, Dudley, Duff, Duman, L. Durant, P. Durant, L. Duray, Durbin, Dutton

For previous updates from 2020 click here.