Races (1970-Present)
Date Race Track Winner
March 28, 1970 Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Al Unser
April 4, 1970 Golden Gate 150 Sears Point Dan Gurney
April 26, 1970 Trenton 200 Trenton Lloyd Ruby
May 30, 1970 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Al Unser
June 7, 1970 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Joe Leonard
June 14, 1970 Langhorne 150 Langhorne Bobby Unser
June 28, 1970 Rocky Mountain 150 Castle Rock Mario Andretti
July 4, 1970 Michigan Twin 200s MIS Gary Bettenhausen
July 4, 1970 Pikes Peak Auto Hill Climb Pikes Peak Ted Foltz
July 26, 1970 Indy 150 IRP Al Unser
August 22, 1970 Tony Bettenhausen 100 Springfield Al Unser
August 23, 1970 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Al Unser
September 6, 1970 California 500 Ontario Jim McElreath
September 7, 1970 Ted Horn Memorial DuQuoin Al Unser
September 12, 1970 Hoosier Hundred ISF Al Unser
September 19, 1970 Sedalia 100 Sedalia Al Unser
October 3, 1970 Trenton 300 Trenton Al Unser
October 4, 1970 Golden State 100 Sacramento Al Unser
November 21, 1970 Bobby Ball 150 Phoenix Swede Savage
February 28, 1971 Rafaela Indy 300 Heat 1 Rafaela Al Unser
February 28, 1971 Rafaela Indy 300 Heat 2 Rafaela Al Unser
March 27, 1971 Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Al Unser
April 25, 1971 Trenton 200 Trenton Mike Mosley
May 29, 1971 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Al Unser
June 6, 1971 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Al Unser
July 3, 1971 Schaefer 500 Pocono Mark Donohue
July 18, 1971 Michigan 200 MIS Mark Donohue
August 15, 1971 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Bobby Unser
September 5, 1971 California 500 Ontario Joe Leonard
October 3, 1971 Marlboro 300 Trenton Bobby Unser
October 23, 1971 Bobby Ball 150 Phoenix A. J. Foyt
March 18, 1972 Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Bobby Unser
April 23, 1972 Trentonian 200 Trenton Gary Bettenhausen
May 27, 1972 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Mark Donohue
June 4, 1972 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Bobby Unser
July 16, 1972 Michigan 200 MIS Joe Leonard
July 29, 1972 Schaefer 500 Pocono Joe Leonard
August 13, 1972 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Joe Leonard
September 3, 1972 California 500 Ontario Roger McCluskey
September 24, 1972 Trenton 300 Trenton Bobby Unser
November 4, 1972 Best Western 150 Phoenix Bobby Unser
April 7, 1973 Texas 200 TWS Al Unser
April 15, 1973 Trentonian Split 300 Heat 1 Trenton A. J. Foyt
April 15, 1973 Trentonian Split 300 Heat 2 Trenton Mario Andretti
May 30, 1973 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Gordon Johncock
June 10, 1973 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Bobby Unser
July 1, 1973 Schaefer 500 Pocono A. J. Foyt
July 15, 1973 Michigan 200 MIS Roger McCluskey
August 12, 1973 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Wally Dallenbach
August 26, 1973 Ontario Heat 1 Ontario Wally Dallenbach
August 26, 1973 Ontario Heat 2 Ontario Johnny Rutherford
September 2, 1973 California 500 Ontario Wally Dallenbach
September 16, 1973 Michigan Twin 125s #2 MIS Johnny Rutherford
September 16, 1973 Michigan Twin 125s #1 MIS Billy Vukovich, Jr.
September 23, 1973 Trenton 200 Trenton Gordon Johncock
October 6, 1973 Texas 200 TWS Gary Bettenhausen
November 3, 1973 Arizona 150 Phoenix Gordon Johncock
March 3, 1974 Ontario Heat 1 Ontario A. J. Foyt
March 3, 1974 Ontario Heat 2 Ontario Johnny Rutherford
March 10, 1974 California 500 Ontario Bobby Unser
March 17, 1974 Phoenix 150 Phoenix Mike Mosley
April 7, 1974 Trentonian 200 Trenton Bobby Unser
May 26, 1974 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Johnny Rutherford
June 9, 1974 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Johnny Rutherford
June 30, 1974 Schaefer 500 Pocono Johnny Rutherford
July 21, 1974 Michigan 200 MIS Bobby Unser
August 11, 1974 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Gordon Johncock
September 15, 1974 Norton 250 MIS Al Unser
September 22, 1974 Trenton 300 Heat 1 Trenton A. J. Foyt
September 22, 1974 Trenton 300 Heat 2 Trenton Bobby Unser
November 2, 1974 Phoenix 150 Phoenix Gordon Johncock
March 2, 1975 Ontario Heat 1 Ontario A. J. Foyt
March 2, 1975 Ontario Heat 2 Ontario Wally Dallenbach
March 9, 1975 California 500 Ontario A. J. Foyt
March 16, 1975 Bricklin 150 Phoenix Johnny Rutherford
April 6, 1975 Trenton 200 Trenton A. J. Foyt
April 27, 1975 World Series of Auto Racing Trenton Johnny Rutherford
May 25, 1975 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Bobby Unser
June 8, 1975 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee A. J. Foyt
June 29, 1975 Schaefer 500 Pocono A. J. Foyt
July 20, 1975 Norton 200 MIS A. J. Foyt
August 17, 1975 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Mike Mosley
September 13, 1975 Michigan Grand Prix MIS Tom Sneva
September 21, 1975 Trenton 150 Trenton Gordon Johncock
November 9, 1975 Phoenix 150 Phoenix A. J. Foyt
March 14, 1976 Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Bobby Unser
May 2, 1976 Trenton 200 Trenton Johnny Rutherford
May 30, 1976 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Johnny Rutherford
June 13, 1976 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Mike Mosley
June 27, 1976 Schaefer 500 Pocono Al Unser
July 18, 1976 Norton Twin 200s MIS Gordon Johncock
August 1, 1976 Texas 150 TWS A. J. Foyt
August 15, 1976 Trenton 200 Trenton Gordon Johncock
August 22, 1976 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Al Unser
September 5, 1976 California 500 Ontario Bobby Unser
September 18, 1976 Michigan 150 MIS A. J. Foyt
October 31, 1976 Benihana World Series of Auto Racing TWS Johnny Rutherford
November 7, 1976 Bobby Ball 150 Phoenix Al Unser
March 6, 1977 Datsun Twin 200s Ontario A. J. Foyt
March 27, 1977 Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Johnny Rutherford
April 2, 1977 Texas Grand Prix TWS Tom Sneva
April 30, 1977 Trenton 200 Trenton Wally Dallenbach
May 29, 1977 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis A. J. Foyt
June 12, 1977 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Johnny Rutherford
June 26, 1977 Schaefer 500 Pocono Tom Sneva
July 3, 1977 Molson Diamond Indy Mosport A. J. Foyt
July 17, 1977 Norton 200 MIS Danny Ongais
July 31, 1977 American Parts 200 TWS Johnny Rutherford
August 21, 1977 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Johnny Rutherford
September 4, 1977 California 500 Ontario Al Unser
September 17, 1977 Michigan Grand Prix MIS Gordon Johncock
October 29, 1977 Bobby Ball 150 Phoenix Gordon Johncock
March 18, 1978 Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Gordon Johncock
March 26, 1978 Datsun Twin 200 Ontario Danny Ongais
April 15, 1978 Coors 200 TWS Danny Ongais
April 23, 1978 Gabriel 200 Trenton Gordon Johncock
May 28, 1978 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Al Unser
June 11, 1978 Molson Diamond Indy Mosport Danny Ongais
June 18, 1978 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Rick Mears
June 25, 1978 Schaefer 500 Pocono Al Unser
July 16, 1978 Norton Twin 200 MIS Johnny Rutherford
July 23, 1978 Gould Twin Dixie Atlanta Rick Mears
August 6, 1978 Texas Grand Prix TWS A. J. Foyt
August 20, 1978 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Danny Ongais
September 3, 1978 California 500 Ontario Al Unser
September 16, 1978 Gould Grand Prix MIS Danny Ongais
September 23, 1978 Machinist Union 150 Trenton Mario Andretti
October 1, 1978 Daily Empress Indy Silverstone Silverstone A. J. Foyt
October 7, 1978 Daily Mail Indy Trophy Brands Hatch Rick Mears
October 28, 1978 Miller High Life Bobby Ball Memorial 150 Phoenix Johnny Rutherford
March 11, 1979 Arizona Republic Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Gordon Johncock
March 25, 1979 Datsun Twin 200 Ontario A. J. Foyt
April 8, 1979 Coors 200 TWS A. J. Foyt
April 22, 1979 Gould Twin Dixie 125 #1 Atlanta Johnny Rutherford
April 22, 1979 Gould Twin Dixie 125 #2 Atlanta Johnny Rutherford
May 27, 1979 International 500 Mile Sweepstakes Indianapolis Rick Mears
June 10, 1979 Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee A. J. Foyt
June 10, 1979 Trenton Twin Indy #1 Trenton Bobby Unser
June 10, 1979 Trenton Twin Indy #2 Trenton Bobby Unser
June 24, 1979 Music 500 at Pocono Presented by Musicland and Sam Goody Pocono A. J. Foyt
July 15, 1979 Norton Twin 125 #1 MIS Gordon Johncock
July 15, 1979 Norton Twin 125 #2 MIS Bobby Unser
July 29, 1979 Lubrilon Grand Prix TWS A. J. Foyt
August 5, 1979 Kent Oil 150 Watkins Glen Bobby Unser
August 12, 1979 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Roger McCluskey
August 19, 1979 Ditzler 150 Trenton Rick Mears
September 2, 1979 California 500 Ontario Bobby Unser
September 15, 1979 Gould Grand Prix MIS Bobby Unser
September 30, 1979 Rich's Atlanta Classic Atlanta Rick Mears
October 20, 1979 Miller High Life 150 Phoenix Al Unser
April 13, 1980 Datsun Twin 200 Ontario Johnny Rutherford
May 25, 1980 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Johnny Rutherford
June 8, 1980 Gould Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Bobby Unser
June 22, 1980 True Value 500 Pocono Bobby Unser
July 13, 1980 Red Roof Inns 150 Mid-Ohio Johnny Rutherford
July 20, 1980 Norton 200 MIS Johnny Rutherford
August 3, 1980 Kent Oil 150 Watkins Glen Bobby Unser
August 10, 1980 Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Johnny Rutherford
August 31, 1980 California 500 Ontario Bobby Unser
September 20, 1980 Gould Grand Prix MIS Mario Andretti
October 26, 1980 Primera Copa México 150 Mexico City Rick Mears
November 8, 1980 Miller High Life 150 Phoenix Tom Sneva
March 22, 1981 Kraco Car Stereo 150 Phoenix Johnny Rutherford
May 24, 1981 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Bobby Unser
June 7, 1981 Gould Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Mike Mosley
June 21, 1981 Van Scoy Diamond Mines 500 Pocono A. J. Foyt
June 28, 1981 Kraco Twin 125 #1 Atlanta Rick Mears
June 28, 1981 Kraco Twin 125 #2 Atlanta Rick Mears
July 25, 1981 Norton Michigan 500 MIS Pancho Carter
August 15, 1981 Tony Bettenhausen 100 Springfield George Snider
August 30, 1981 Los Angeles Times 500 Riverside Rick Mears
August 30, 1981 Ted Horn 100 DuQuoin Rich Vogler
September 5, 1981 AB Dick Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Tom Sneva
September 12, 1981 Hoosier Hundred ISF Larry Rice
September 20, 1981 Detroit News Grand Prix MIS Mario Andretti
October 4, 1981 Watkins Glen 200 Watkins Glen Rick Mears
October 18, 1981 Copa México 150 Mexico City Rick Mears
October 31, 1981 Miller High Life 150 Phoenix Tom Sneva
March 28, 1982 Kraco Car Stereo 150 Phoenix Rick Mears
May 1, 1982 Stroh's 200 Atlanta Rick Mears
May 30, 1982 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Gordon Johncock
June 13, 1982 Gould Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Gordon Johncock
July 4, 1982 Budweiser Cleveland 500 Cleveland Bobby Rahal
July 18, 1982 Norton Michigan 500 MIS Gordon Johncock
August 1, 1982 Provimi Veal Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Tom Sneva
August 14, 1982 Tony Bettenhausen 100 Springfield Bobby Olivero
August 15, 1982 Domino's Pizza Pocono 500 Pocono Rick Mears
August 29, 1982 AirCal 500 Riverside Rick Mears
September 6, 1982 Ted Horn 100 DuQuoin Gary Bettenhausen
September 19, 1982 Road America 200 Elkhart Lake Héctor Rebaque
September 26, 1982 Detroit News Grand Prix MIS Bobby Rahal
November 6, 1982 Miller High Life 150 Phoenix Tom Sneva
December 4, 1982 Nazareth 100 Nazareth Keith Kaufmann
April 17, 1983 Kraco Dixie 200 Atlanta Gordon Johncock
May 29, 1983 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Tom Sneva
June 12, 1983 Dana Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Tom Sneva
July 3, 1983 Budweiser Cleveland 500 Cleveland Al Unser
July 17, 1983 Norton Michigan 500 MIS John Paul, Jr.
July 31, 1983 Provimi Veal 200 Elkhart Lake Mario Andretti
August 14, 1983 Domino's Pizza 500 Pocono Teo Fabi
August 28, 1983 LA Times/Budweiser 500 Riverside Bobby Rahal
September 5, 1983 Ted Horn 100 DuQuoin Gary Bettenhausen
September 11, 1983 Escort Radar Warning 200 Mid-Ohio Teo Fabi
September 18, 1983 Detroit News Grand Prix 200 MIS Rick Mears
October 8, 1983 Caesars Palace Grand Prix III Las Vegas Mario Andretti
October 23, 1983 Cribari Wines 300K Laguna Seca Teo Fabi
October 29, 1983 Miller High Life 150 Phoenix Teo Fabi
April 1, 1984 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Mario Andretti
April 15, 1984 Dana Jimmy Bryan 150 Phoenix Tom Sneva
May 27, 1984 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Rick Mears
June 3, 1984 Dana Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Tom Sneva
June 17, 1984 Stroh's/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Al Unser, Jr.
July 1, 1984 Meadowlands Grand Prix Meadowlands Mario Andretti
July 8, 1984 Budweiser Cleveland Grand Prix Cleveland Danny Sullivan
July 22, 1984 Michigan 500 MIS Mario Andretti
August 5, 1984 Provimi Veal 200 Elkhart Lake Mario Andretti
August 19, 1984 Domino's Pizza 500 Pocono Danny Sullivan
September 2, 1984 Escort Radar Warning 200 Mid-Ohio Mario Andretti
September 9, 1984 Molson Indy Sanair Danny Sullivan
September 24, 1984 Detroit News Grand Prix MIS Mario Andretti
October 14, 1984 Stroh's Bobby Ball Memorial 150 Phoenix Bobby Rahal
October 21, 1984 Quinn's Cooler 300K Laguna Seca Bobby Rahal
November 11, 1984 Caesars Palace Grand Prix IV Las Vegas Tom Sneva
April 14, 1985 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Mario Andretti
May 26, 1985 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Danny Sullivan
June 2, 1985 Dana Rex Mays Classic Milwaukee Mario Andretti
June 16, 1985 Stroh's/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Mario Andretti
June 30, 1985 Meadowlands United States Grand Prix Meadowlands Al Unser, Jr.
July 7, 1985 Budweiser Cleveland Grand Prix Cleveland Al Unser, Jr.
July 28, 1985 Michigan 500 MIS Emerson Fittipaldi
August 4, 1985 Provimi Veal 200 Elkhart Lake Jacques Villeneuve (I)
August 18, 1985 Domino's Pizza 500 Pocono Rick  Mears
September 1, 1985 Escort 200 Mid-Ohio Bobby Rahal
September 8, 1985 Molson Indy 300 Sanair Johnny Rutherford
September 22, 1985 Detroit News 200 MIS Bobby Rahal
October 6, 1985 Stroh's 300K Laguna Seca Bobby Rahal
October 13, 1985 Dana 150 Phoenix Al Unser
November 9, 1985 Beatrice Indy Challenge Miami Danny Sullivan
April 6, 1986 Dana 200 for Special Olympics Phoenix Kevin Cogan
April 13, 1986 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Michael Andretti
May 31, 1986 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Bobby Rahal
June 8, 1986 Miller American 200, in Honor of Rex Mays Milwaukee Michael Andretti
June 15, 1986 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Mario Andretti
June 29, 1986 Chase Grand Prix at the Meadowlands Meadowlands Danny Sullivan
July 6, 1986 Budweiser Cleveland Grand Prix Cleveland Danny Sullivan
July 20, 1986 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Bobby Rahal
August 2, 1986 Michigan 500 MIS Johnny Rutherford
August 17, 1986 Domino's Pizza 500 Pocono Mario Andretti
August 31, 1986 Escort Radar Warning 200 Mid-Ohio Bobby Rahal
September 7, 1986 Molson Indy Montréal Sanair Bobby Rahal
September 28, 1986 Pepsi Cola 250 MIS Bobby Rahal
October 4, 1986 Race for Life 200 Elkhart Lake Emerson Fittipaldi
October 12, 1986 Champion Spark Plug 300 Laguna Seca Bobby Rahal
October 19, 1986 Circle K/Fiesta Bowl 200 Phoenix Michael Andretti
November 9, 1986 Nissan Indy Challenge Miami Al Unser, Jr.
April 5, 1987 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Mario Andretti
April 12, 1987 Checker 200 Phoenix Roberto Guerrero
May 24, 1987 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Al Unser
May 31, 1987 Miller American 200, in Honor of Rex Mays Milwaukee Michael Andretti
June 14, 1987 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Bobby Rahal
June 28, 1987 Meadowlands Indy Meadowlands Bobby Rahal
July 5, 1987 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Emerson Fittipaldi
July 19, 1987 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Emerson Fittipaldi
August 2, 1987 Marlboro 500 MIS Michael Andretti
August 16, 1987 Pocono 500 Pocono Rick Mears
August 30, 1987 Road America 200 Elkhart Lake Mario Andretti
September 6, 1987 Escort Radar Warning 200 Mid-Ohio Roberto Guerrero
September 20, 1987 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Michael Andretti
October 11, 1987 Champion Spark Plug 300K Laguna Seca Bobby Rahal
October 30, 1987 Marlboro Challenge Miami Bobby Rahal
November 1, 1987 Nissan Indy Challenge Miami Michael Andretti
April 10, 1988 Checker 200 Phoenix Mario Andretti
April 17, 1988 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Al Unser, Jr.
May 29, 1988 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Rick Mears
June 5, 1988 Miller High Life 200 Milwaukee Rick Mears
June 19, 1988 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Danny Sullivan
July 3, 1988 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Mario Andretti
July 17, 1988 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Al Unser, Jr.
July 24, 1988 Marlboro Grand Prix at the Meadowlands Meadowlands Al Unser, Jr.
August 7, 1988 Marlboro 500 MIS Danny Sullivan
August 21, 1988 Quaker State 500 Pocono Bobby Rahal
September 4, 1988 Escort Radar Warning 200 Mid-Ohio Emerson Fittipaldi
September 11, 1988 Briggs & Stratton 200 Elkhart Lake Emerson Fittipaldi
September 25, 1988 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Danny Sullivan
October 16, 1988 Champion Spark Plug 300K Laguna Seca Danny Sullivan
November 5, 1988 Marlboro Challenge Miami Michael Andretti
November 6, 1988 Nissan Indy Challenge Miami Al Unser, Jr.
April 9, 1989 Checker Autoworks 200 Phoenix Rick Mears
April 16, 1989 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Al Unser, Jr.
May 28, 1989 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Emerson Fittipaldi
June 4, 1989 Miller High Life 200 Milwaukee Rick Mears
June 18, 1989 Detroit Grand Prix Detroit Emerson Fittipaldi
June 25, 1989 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Emerson Fittipaldi
July 2, 1989 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Emerson Fittipaldi
July 16, 1989 Marlboro Grand Prix Meadowlands Meadowlands Bobby Rahal
July 23, 1989 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Michael Andretti
August 6, 1989 Marlboro 500 MIS Michael Andretti
August 20, 1989 Pocono 500 Pocono Danny Sullivan
September 3, 1989 Red Roof Inns 200 Mid-Ohio Teo Fabi
September 10, 1989 Road America 200 Elkhart Lake Danny Sullivan
September 24, 1989 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Emerson Fittipaldi
October 14, 1989 Marlboro Challenge Laguna Seca Al Unser, Jr.
October 15, 1989 Champion Spark Plug 300K Laguna Seca Rick Mears
April 8, 1990 Autoworks 200 Phoenix Rick Mears
April 22, 1990 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Al Unser, Jr.
May 27, 1990 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Arie Luyendyk
June 3, 1990 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Milwaukee Al Unser, Jr.
June 17, 1990 Valvoline Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Michael Andretti
June 24, 1990 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Michael Andretti
July 8, 1990 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Danny Sullivan
July 15, 1990 Marlboro Grand Prix at the Meadowlands Meadowlands Michael Andretti
July 22, 1990 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Al Unser, Jr.
August 5, 1990 Marlboro 500 MIS Al Unser, Jr.
August 26, 1990 Texaco/Havoline Grand Prix of Denver Denver Al Unser, Jr.
September 2, 1990 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Al Unser, Jr.
September 16, 1990 Red Roof Inns 200 Mid-Ohio Michael Andretti
September 23, 1990 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Michael Andretti
October 6, 1990 Marlboro Challenge Nazareth Rick Mears
October 7, 1990 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Emerson Fittipaldi
October 21, 1990 Champion Spark Plug 300K Laguna Seca Danny Sullivan
March 17, 1991 Gold Coast IndyCar Grand Prix Surfers Paradise John Andretti
April 14, 1991 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Al Unser, Jr.
April 21, 1991 Valvoline 200 Phoenix Arie Luyendyk
May 26, 1991 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Rick Mears
June 2, 1991 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Milwaukee Michael Andretti
June 16, 1991 Valvoline Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Emerson Fittipaldi
June 23, 1991 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Michael Andretti
July 7, 1991 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Michael Andretti
July 14, 1991 Marlboro Grand Prix Meadowlands Meadowlands Bobby Rahal
July 21, 1991 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Michael Andretti
August 4, 1991 Marlboro 500 MIS Rick Mears
August 25, 1991 Texaco/Havoline Grand Prix of Denver Denver Al Unser, Jr.
September 1, 1991 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Michael Andretti
September 15, 1991 Pioneer Electronics 200 Mid-Ohio Michael Andretti
September 22, 1991 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Michael Andretti
October 6, 1991 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Arie Luyendyk
October 19, 1991 Marlboro Challenge Laguna Seca Michael Andretti
October 20, 1991 Toyota Monterey Grand Prix Laguna Seca Michael Andretti
March 22, 1992 Daikyo IndyCar Grand Prix Surfers Paradise Emerson Fittipaldi
April 5, 1992 Valvoline 200 Phoenix Bobby Rahal
April 12, 1992 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Danny Sullivan
May 24, 1992 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Al Unser, Jr.
June 7, 1992 ITT Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Bobby Rahal
June 21, 1992 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Michael Andretti
June 28, 1992 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Milwaukee Michael Andretti
July 5, 1992 New England 200 Loudon Bobby Rahal
July 19, 1992 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Michael Andretti
August 2, 1992 Marlboro 500 MIS Scott Goodyear
August 9, 1992 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Emerson Fittipaldi
August 23, 1992 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Emerson Fittipaldi
August 30, 1992 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Michael Andretti
September 13, 1992 Pioneer Electronics 200 Mid-Ohio Emerson Fittipaldi
October 3, 1992 Marlboro Challenge Nazareth Emerson Fittipaldi
October 4, 1992 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Bobby Rahal
October 18, 1992 Toyota Monterey Grand Prix Laguna Seca Michael Andretti
March 21, 1993 Australian FAI IndyCar Grand Prix Surfers Paradise Nigel Mansell
April 4, 1993 Valvoline 200 Phoenix Mario Andretti
April 18, 1993 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Paul Tracy
May 30, 1993 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Emerson Fittipaldi
June 6, 1993 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Milwaukee Nigel Mansell
June 13, 1993 ITT Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Danny Sullivan
June 27, 1993 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Emerson Fittipaldi
July 11, 1993 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Paul Tracy
July 18, 1993 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Paul Tracy
August 1, 1993 Marlboro 500 MIS Nigel Mansell
August 8, 1993 New England 200 Loudon Nigel Mansell
August 22, 1993 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Paul Tracy
August 29, 1993 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Al Unser, Jr.
September 12, 1993 Pioneer Electronics 200 Mid-Ohio Emerson Fittipaldi
September 19, 1993 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Nigel Mansell
October 3, 1993 Toyota Grand Prix of Monterey Laguna Seca Paul Tracy
March 20, 1994 Australian FAI Indy Car Grand Prix Surfers Paradise Michael Andretti
April 10, 1994 Valvoline 200 Phoenix Emerson Fittipaldi
April 17, 1994 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Al Unser, Jr.
May 29, 1994 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Al Unser, Jr.
June 5, 1994 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Milwaukee Al Unser, Jr.
June 12, 1994 ITT Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Paul Tracy
June 26, 1994 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Al Unser, Jr.
July 10, 1994 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Al Unser, Jr.
July 17, 1994 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Michael Andretti
July 31, 1994 Marlboro 500 MIS Scott Goodyear
August 14, 1994 Pioneer Electronics 200 Mid-Ohio Al Unser, Jr.
August 21, 1994 Slick 50 200 Loudon Al Unser, Jr.
September 4, 1994 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Al Unser, Jr.
September 11, 1994 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Jacques Villeneuve (II)
September 18, 1994 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Paul Tracy
October 9, 1994 Toyota Grand Prix of Monterey Laguna Seca Paul Tracy
March 5, 1995 Marlboro Grand Prix of Miami Presented by Toyota Miami Jacques Villeneuve (II)
March 19, 1995 Australian IndyCar Grand Prix Surfers Paradise Paul Tracy
April 2, 1995 Slick 50 200 Phoenix Robby Gordon
April 9, 1995 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Al Unser, Jr.
April 23, 1995 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Emerson Fittipaldi
May 28, 1995 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Jacques Villeneuve (II)
June 4, 1995 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Milwaukee Paul Tracy
June 11, 1995 ITT Automotive Grand Prix of Detroitetroit Detroit Robby Gordon
June 25, 1995 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Al Unser, Jr.
July 9, 1995 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Jacques Villeneuve (II)
July 16, 1995 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Michael Andretti
July 23, 1995 Budweiser Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Jacques Villeneuve (II)
July 30, 1995 Marlboro 500 MIS Scott Pruett
August 13, 1995 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Mid-Ohio Al Unser, Jr.
August 20, 1995 New England 200 Loudon André Ribeiro
September 3, 1995 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Al Unser, Jr.
September 10, 1995 Toyota Grand Prix of Monterey Laguna Seca Gil de Ferran
January 27, 1996 Indy 200 at Walt Disney World Orlando Buzz Calkins
March 3, 1996 Marlboro Grand Prix of Miami Presented by Toyota Homestead Jimmy Vasser
March 17, 1996 Indy Car Rio 400 Rio de Janeiro André Ribeiro
March 24, 1996 Dura-Lube 200 Phoenix Arie Luyendyk
March 31, 1996 Australian Indy Car Grand Prix Surfers Paradise Jimmy Vasser
April 14, 1996 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Jimmy Vasser
April 28, 1996 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth Michael Andretti
May 26, 1996 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Buddy Lazier
May 26, 1996 U. S. 500 MIS Jimmy Vasser
June 2, 1996 Miller Genuine Draft 200 Milwaukee Michael Andretti
June 9, 1996 ITT Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Michael Andretti
June 23, 1996 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Alex Zanardi
June 30, 1996 Medic Drug Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Gil de Ferran
July 14, 1996 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Adrián Fernández
July 28, 1996 Marlboro 500 MIS André Ribeiro
August 11, 1996 Miller 200 Mid-Ohio Alex Zanardi
August 18, 1996 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Michael Andretti
August 18, 1996 True Value 200 Loudon Scott Sharp
September 1, 1996 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Michael Andretti
September 8, 1996 Toyota Grand Prix of Monterey Laguna Seca Alex Zanardi
September 15, 1996 Las Vegas 500K Las Vegas Richie Hearn
January 25, 1997 Indy 200 Orlando Eddie Cheever
March 2, 1997 Marlboro Grand Prix of Miami Presented by Toyota Homestead Michael Andretti
March 23, 1997 Phoenix 200 Phoenix Jim Guthrie
April 6, 1997 Sunbelt Indy Carnival Australia Surfers Paradise Scott Pruett
April 13, 1997 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Alex Zanardi
April 27, 1997 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Presented by Toyota Nazareth Paul Tracy
May 11, 1997 Hollywood Rio 400K Rio de Janeiro Paul Tracy
May 24, 1997 Motorola 300 Gateway Paul Tracy
May 25, 1997 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Arie Luyendyk
June 1, 1997 Miller 200 Milwaukee Greg Moore
June 7, 1997 True Value 500 Ft. Worth Arie Luyendyk
June 8, 1997 ITT Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Greg Moore
June 22, 1997 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Mark Blundell
June 29, 1997 Samsonite 200 PPIR Tony Stewart
July 13, 1997 Medic Drug Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Alex Zanardi
July 20, 1997 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Mark Blundell
July 26, 1997 VisionAire 500 Charlotte Buddy Lazier
July 27, 1997 U. S. 500 Presented by Toyota MIS Alex Zanardi
August 10, 1997 Miller 200 Mid-Ohio Alex Zanardi
August 17, 1997 Pennzoil 200 Loudon Robbie Buhl
August 17, 1997 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Alex Zanardi
August 31, 1997 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Mauricio Gugelmin
September 7, 1997 Toyota Grand Prix of Monterey Laguna Seca Jimmy Vasser
September 28, 1997 Marlboro 500 Presented by Toyota Fontana Mark Blundell
October 11, 1997 Las Vegas 500K Las Vegas Eliseo Salazar
January 24, 1998 Indy 200 Orlando Tony Stewart
March 15, 1998 Marlboro Grand Prix of Miami Presented by Toyota Homestead Michael Andretti
March 22, 1998 Dura-Lube 200 Phoenix Scott Sharp
March 28, 1998 Budweiser 500K Motegi Adrián Fernández
April 5, 1998 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Alex Zanardi
April 27, 1998 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Presented by Toyota Nazareth Jimmy Vasser
May 10, 1998 Rio 400K Rio de Janeiro Greg Moore
May 23, 1998 Motorola 300 Gateway Alex Zanardi
May 24, 1998 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Eddie Cheever
May 31, 1998 Miller 200 Milwaukee Jimmy Vasser
June 6, 1998 True Value 500 Ft. Worth Billy Boat
June 7, 1998 ITT Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Alex Zanardi
June 21, 1998 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Alex Zanardi
June 28, 1998 New England 200 Loudon Tony Stewart
July 12, 1998 Medic Drug Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by Firstar Bank Cleveland Alex Zanardi
July 19, 1998 Pep Boys 400K Dover Scott Sharp
July 19, 1998 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Alex Zanardi
July 25, 1998 VisionAire 500K Charlotte Kenny Bräck
July 26, 1998 U. S. 500 Presented by Toyota MIS Greg Moore
August 9, 1998 Miller Lite 200 Mid-Ohio Adrián Fernández
August 16, 1998 Texaco/Havoline 200 Elkhart Lake Dario Franchitti
August 16, 1998 Radisson 200 PPIR Kenny Bräck
August 29, 1998 Atlanta 500 Classic Atlanta Kenny Bräck
September 6, 1998 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Dario Franchitti
September 13, 1998 Honda Grand Prix of Monterey Featuring the Texaco/Havoline 300K Laguna Seca Bryan Herta
September 20, 1998 Lone Star 500 Ft. Worth John Paul, Jr.
October 4, 1998 Texaco Grand Prix of Houston Houston Dario Franchitti
October 11, 1998 Las Vegas 500K Las Vegas Arie Luyendyk
October 18, 1998 Honda Indy Carnival Australia Surfers Paradise Alex Zanardi
November 1, 1998 The 500 Presented by Toyota Fontana Jimmy Vasser
January 24, 1999 TransWorld Diversified Services 200 Orlando Eddie Cheever
March 21, 1999 Marlboro Grand Prix of Miami Presented by Toyota Homestead Greg Moore
March 28, 1999 MCI WorldCom 200 Phoenix Scott Goodyear
April 10, 1999 Firestone Firehawk 500K Motegi Adrián Fernández
April 18, 1999 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Juan Montoya
May 1, 1999 VisionAire 500K Charlotte **Race Cancelled**
May 2, 1999 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Presented by Toyota Nazareth Juan Montoya
May 15, 1999 GP Telemar Rio 200 Rio de Janeiro Juan Montoya
May 29, 1999 Motorola 300 Gateway Michael Andretti
May 30, 1999 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Kenny Bräck
June 6, 1999 Miller Lite 225 Milwaukee Paul Tracy
June 12, 1999 Longhorn 500 Ft. Worth Scott Goodyear
June 20, 1999 Budweiser/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Gil de Ferran
June 27, 1999 Medic Drug Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by Firstar Bank Cleveland Juan Montoya
June 27, 1999 Radisson 200 PPIR Greg Ray
July 11, 1999 Texaco/Havoline 220 Elkhart Lake Christian Fittipaldi
July 17, 1999 Kobalt Mechanics Tools 500 Atlanta Scott Sharp
July 18, 1999 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Dario Franchitti
July 25, 1999 U. S. 500 Presented by Toyota MIS Tony Kanaan
August 1, 1999 MBNA Mid-Atlantic 200 Dover Greg Ray
August 8, 1999 Tenneco Automotive Grand Prix Detroit Dario Franchitti
August 15, 1999 Miller Lite 200 Mid-Ohio Juan Montoya
August 22, 1999 Target Grand Prix of Chicago Presented by Energizer Chicago Juan Montoya
August 29, 1999 Colorado Indy 200 Presented by Deloitte & Touche PPIR Greg Ray
September 5, 1999 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Juan Montoya
September 12, 1999 Honda Grand Prix of Monterey Featuring the Texaco/Havoline 300K Laguna Seca Bryan Herta
September 26, 1999 Vegas.com 500 Las Vegas Sam Schmidt
September 26, 1999 Texaco Grand Prix of Houston Houston Paul Tracy
October 17, 1999 Mall.com 500 Ft. Worth Mark Dismore
October 17, 1999 Honda Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Dario Franchitti
October 31, 1999 Marlboro 500 Presented by Toyota Fontana Adrián Fernández
January 24, 2000 Delphi Indy 200 Orlando Robbie Buhl
March 19, 2000 MCI WorldCom Indy 200 Phoenix Buddy Lazier
March 26, 2000 Marlboro Grand Prix of Miami Presented by Toyota Homestead Max Papis
April 16, 2000 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Paul Tracy
April 22, 2000 Vegas Indy 300 Las Vegas Al Unser, Jr.
April 30, 2000 Rio 200 Rio de Janeiro Adrián Fernández
May 13, 2000 Firestone Firehawk 500K Motegi Michael Andretti
May 27, 2000 Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Presented by Toyota Nazareth Gil de Ferran
May 28, 2000 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Juan Montoya
June 4, 2000 Miller Lite 225 Milwaukee Juan Montoya
June 11, 2000 Casino Magic 500 Ft. Worth Scott Sharp
June 18, 2000 Tenneco Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Helio Castroneves
June 18, 2000 Radisson 200 PPIR Eddie Cheever
June 25, 2000 Freightliner/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Gil de Ferran
July 2, 2000 Marconi Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by Firstar Bank Cleveland Roberto Moreno
July 15, 2000 Midas 500 Classic Atlanta Greg Ray
July 16, 2000 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Michael Andretti
July 23, 2000 Michigan 500 Presented by Toyota MIS Juan Montoya
July 30, 2000 Target Grand Prix of Chicago Presented by Energizer Chicago Cristiano da Matta
August 13, 2000 Miller Lite 200 Mid-Ohio Helio Castroneves
August 20, 2000 Motorola 220 Elkhart Lake Paul Tracy
August 27, 2000 Belterra Resort Indy 300 Sparta Buddy Lazier
September 3, 2000 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Paul Tracy
September 10, 2000 Honda Grand Prix of Monterey Presented by Shell Laguna Seca Helio Castroneves
September 17, 2000 Motorola 300 Gateway Juan Montoya
October 1, 2000 Texaco Grand Prix of Houston Houston Jimmy Vasser
October 15, 2000 Honda Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Adrián Fernández
October 15, 2000 Excite 500 Ft. Worth Scott Goodyear
October 29, 2000 Marlboro 500 Presented by Toyota Fontana Christian Fittipaldi
March 11, 2001 Tecate/Telmex Monterrey Grand Prix Presented by Herdez Monterrey Cristiano da Matta
March 18, 2001 Pennzoil Copper World Indy 200 Phoenix Sam Hornish, Jr.
April 8, 2001 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Helio Castroneves
April 8, 2001 Infiniti Grand Prix of Miami Homestead Sam Hornish, Jr.
April 28, 2001 zMAX 500 Atlanta Greg Ray
April 29, 2001 Firestone Firehawk 600 Presented by Pioneer Ft. Worth **Race Cancelled**
May 6, 2001 Lehigh Valley Grand Prix Nazareth Scott Dixon
May 19, 2001 Firestone Firehawk 500K Motegi Kenny Bräck
May 27, 2001 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Helio Castroneves
June 3, 2001 Miller Lite 225 Milwaukee Kenny Bräck
June 9, 2001 Casino Magic 500 Ft. Worth Scott Sharp
June 17, 2001 Tenneco Automotive Grand Prix of Detroit Detroit Helio Castroneves
June 17, 2001 Radisson Indy 200 PPIR Buddy Lazier
June 24, 2001 Freightliner/G. I. Joe's 200 Presented by Texaco/Havoline Portland Max Papis
June 30, 2001 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Buddy Lazier
July 1, 2001 Marconi Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by Firstar Bank Cleveland Dario Franchitti
July 8, 2001 Ameristar Casino Indy 200 Kansas Eddie Cheever
July 15, 2001 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Michael Andretti
July 21, 2001 Harrah's 200 Nashville Buddy Lazier
July 22, 2001 Harrah's 500 Presented by Toyota MIS Patrick Carpentier
July 29, 2001 Target Grand Prix of Chicago Presented by Energizer Chicago Kenny Bräck
August 12, 2001 Miller Lite 200 Mid-Ohio Helio Castroneves
August 12, 2001 Belterra Resort Indy 300 Sparta Buddy Lazier
August 19, 2001 Motorola 220 Elkhart Lake Bruno Junqueira
August 26, 2001 Gateway Indy 250 Gateway Al Unser, Jr.
September 2, 2001 Delphi Indy 300 Joliet Jaques Lazier
September 2, 2001 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Roberto Moreno
September 15, 2001 The American Memorial Lausitz Kenny Bräck
September 22, 2001 Rockingham 500K Rockingham-UK Gil de Ferran
October 6, 2001 Chevy 500 Ft. Worth Sam Hornish, Jr.
October 7, 2001 Texaco/Havoline Grand Prix of Houston Houston Gil de Ferran
October 14, 2001 Honda Grand Prix of Monterey Featuring the Shell 300 Laguna Seca Max Papis
October 28, 2001 Honda Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Crisitano da Matta
November 4, 2001 Marlboro 500 Presented by Toyota Fontana Cristiano da Matta
March 2, 2002 Grand Prix of Miami Homestead Sam Hornish, Jr.
March 10, 2002 Tecate/Telmex Monterrey Grand Prix Monterrey Cristiano da Matta
March 17, 2002 Bombardier ATV 200 Phoenix Helio Castroneves
March 24, 2002 Yamaha Indy 400 Fontana Sam Hornish, Jr.
April 14, 2002 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Michael Andretti
April 21, 2002 Firestone Indy 225 Nazareth Scott Sharp
April 27, 2002 Bridgestone Potenza 500K Motegi Bruno Junqueira
May 26, 2002 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Helio Castroneves
June 2, 2002 Miller Lite 250 Milwaukee Paul Tracy
June 8, 2002 Boomtown 500 Ft. Worth Jeff Ward
June 9, 2002 Grand Prix of Monterey Featuring the Shell 300 Laguna Seca Cristiano da Matta
June 16, 2002 Radisson Indy 225 PPIR Gil de Ferran
June 16, 2002 G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Cristiano da Matta
June 29, 2002 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Sam Hornish, Jr.
June 30, 2002 Grand Prix of Chicago Chicago Cristiano da Matta
July 7, 2002 Ameristar Casino Indy 200 Kansas Airton Daré
July 7, 2002 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Cristiano da Matta
July 14, 2002 Marconi Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by U. S. Bank Cleveland Patrick Carpentier
July 20, 2002 Firestone Indy 200 Nashville Alex Barron
July 28, 2002 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Dario Franchitti
July 28, 2002 Michigan Indy 400 MIS Tomas Scheckter
August 11, 2002 Grand Prix of Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Patrick Carpentier
August 11, 2002 Belterra Casino Indy 300 Sparta Felipe Giaffone
August 18, 2002 Grand Prix at Road America Featuring the Motorola 220 Elkhart Lake Cristiano da Matta
August 25, 2002 Gateway Indy 250 Gateway Gil de Ferran
August 25, 2002 Molson Indy Montréal Montréal Dario Franchitti
September 2, 2002 Shell Grand Prix of Denver Denver Bruno Junqueira
September 8, 2002 Delphi Indy 300 Joliet Sam Hornish, Jr.
September 14, 2002 Sure for Men Rockingham 500K Rockingham-UK Dario Franchitti
September 15, 2002 Chevy 500 Ft. Worth Sam Hornish, Jr.
October 6, 2002 Grand Prix Americas Miami Cristiano da Matta
October 27, 2002 Honda Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Mario Domínguez
November 3, 2002 The 500 Presented by Toyota Fontana Jimmy Vasser
November 17, 2002 México Gran Premio Telmex/Gigante Presented by Banamex/Visa Mexico City Kenny Bräck
February 23, 2003 Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Paul Tracy
March 2, 2003 Toyota Indy 300 Homestead Scott Dixon
March 23, 2003 Purex Dial Indy 200 Phoenix Tony Kanaan
March 23, 2003 Tecate/Telmex Grand Prix Monterrey Paul Tracy
April 13, 2003 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Scott Sharp
April 13, 2003 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Paul Tracy
May 5, 2003 London Champ Car Trophy Brands Hatch Sébastien Bourdais
May 11, 2003 German 500 Lausitz Sébastien Bourdais
May 25, 2003 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Gil de Ferran
May 31, 2003 The Milwaukee Mile Centennial 250 Presented by Miller Lite Milwaukee Michel Jourdain, Jr.
June 7, 2003 Bombardier 500 Ft. Worth Al Unser, Jr.
June 15, 2003 Grand Prix of Monterey Laguna Seca Patrick Carpentier
June 15, 2003 Honda Indy 225 PPIR Scott Dixon
June 22, 2003 G. I. Joe's 200 Portland Adrián Fernández
June 28, 2003 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Scott Dixon
July 5, 2003 U. S. Bank Presents the Cleveland Grand Prix Cleveland Sébastien Bourdais
July 6, 2003 Kansas Indy 300 Kansas Bryan Herta
July 13, 2003 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Paul Tracy
July 19, 2003 Firestone Indy 200 Nashville Gil de Ferran
July 27, 2003 Firestone Indy 400 MIS Alex Barron
July 27, 2003 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Paul Tracy
August 3, 2003 Mario Andretti Grand Prix at Road America Presented by Briggs & Stratton Elkhart Lake Bruno Junqueira
August 10, 2003 Champ Car Grand Prix of Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Paul Tracy
August 10, 2003 Emerson Indy 250 Gateway Helio Castroneves
August 17, 2003 Belterra Casino Indy 300 Sparta Sam Hornish, Jr.
August 24, 2003 Firestone Indy 225 Nazareth Helio Castroneves
August 24, 2003 Molson Indy Montréal Montréal Michel Jourdain, Jr.
August 31, 2003 Centrix Financial Grand Prix of Denver Denver Bruno Junqueira
September 7, 2003 Delphi Indy 300 Joliet Sam Hornish, Jr.
September 21, 2003 Toyota Indy 400 Fontana Sam Hornish, Jr.
September 28, 2003 Grand Prix Americas Presented by sportsbook.com Miami Mario Domínguez
October 12, 2003 Chevy 500 Ft. Worth Gil de Ferran
October 12, 2003 Gran Premio Telmex/Gigante Presented by Banamex/Visa Mexico City Paul Tracy
October 26, 2003 Lexmark Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Ryan Hunter-Reay
February 29, 2004 Toyota Indy 300 Homestead Sam Hornish, Jr.
March 21, 2004 Copper World Indy 200 Phoenix Tony Kanaan
April 17, 2004 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Dan Wheldon
April 18, 2004 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Paul Tracy
May 23, 2004 Tecate/Telmex Monterrey Grand Prix Monterrey Sébastien Bourdais
May 30, 2004 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Buddy Rice
June 5, 2004 Time Warner Cable Roadrunner 250 Milwaukee Ryan Hunter-Reay
June 12, 2004 Bombardier 500 Ft. Worth Tony Kanaan
June 20, 2004 Champ Car Grand Prix of Portland Portland Sébastien Bourdais
June 26, 2004 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Dan Wheldon
July 3, 2004 U. S. Bank Presents the Champ Car Grand Prix of Cleveland Cleveland Sébastien Bourdais
July 4, 2004 Argent Mortgage Indy 300 Kansas Buddy Rice
July 11, 2004 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Sébastien Bourdais
July 17, 2004 Firestone Indy 200 Nashville Tony Kanaan
July 25, 2004 Molson Indy Vancouver Vancouver Paul Tracy
July 25, 2004 Menards A. J. Foyt Indy 225 Milwaukee Dario Franchitti
August 1, 2004 Michigan Indy 400 MIS Buddy Rice
August 8, 2004 Champ Car Grand Prix of Road America Presented by the Chicago Tribune Elkhart Lake Alex Tagliani
August 15, 2004 Centrix Financial Grand Prix of Denver Denver Sébastien Bourdais
August 15, 2004 Belterra Casino Indy 300 Sparta Adrián Fernández
August 22, 2004 Honda Indy 225 PPIR Dario Franchitti
August 29, 2004 Molson Indy Montréal Montréal Bruno Junqueira
August 29, 2004 Firestone Indy 225 Nazareth Dan Wheldon
September 12, 2004 Bridgestone Grand Prix of Monterey Laguna Seca Patrick Carpentier
September 12, 2004 Delphi Indy 300 Joliet Adrián Fernández
September 25, 2004 Bridgestone 400 Presented by Corona Las Vegas Sébastien Bourdais
October 3, 2004 Toyota Indy 400 Fontana Adrián Fernández
October 17, 2004 Chevy 500 Ft. Worth Helio Castroneves
October 24, 2004 Lexmark Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Bruno Junqueira
November 7, 2004 Gran Premio Telmex/Tecate Presented by Banamex México City Sébastien Bourdais
March 6, 2005 Toyota Indy 300 Homestead Dan Wheldon
March 19, 2005 XM Satellite Radio 200 Presented by Argent Mortgage Phoenix Sam Hornish, Jr.
April 3, 2005 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Dan Wheldon
April 10, 2005 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Sébastien Bourdais
April 30, 2005 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Dan Wheldon
May 22, 2005 Tecate/Telmex Monterrey Grand Prix Presented by Roshfrans Monterrey Bruno Junqueira
May 29, 2005 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Dan Wheldon
June 4, 2005 Time Warner Cable Roadrunner 225 Presented by U. S. Bank Milwaukee Paul Tracy
June 11, 2005 Bombardier Learjet 500 Ft. Worth Tomas Scheckter
June 19, 2005 G. I. Joe's Presents the Champ Car Grand Prix of Portland Portland Cristiano da Matta
June 25, 2005 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Helio Castroneves
June 26, 2005 Champ Car Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by U. S. Bank Cleveland Paul Tracy
July 3, 2005 Kansas Indy 300 Kansas Tony Kanaan
July 10, 2005 Molson Indy Toronto Toronto Justin Wilson
July 16, 2005 Nashville Indy 200 Nashville Dario Franchitti
July 17, 2005 West Edmonton Mall Grand Prix of Edmonton Edmonton Sébastien Bourdais
July 24, 2005 ABC Supply Co./A. J. Foyt 225 Milwaukee Sam Hornish, Jr.
July 31, 2005 Taylor Woodrow Grand Prix of San José San José Sébastien Bourdais
July 31, 2005 Michigan Indy 400 MIS Bryan Herta
August 14, 2005 Centrix Financial Grand Prix of Denver Presented by PacifiCare Denver Sébastien Bourdais
August 14, 2005 AMBER Alert Portal 300 Sparta Scott Sharp
August 21, 2005 Honda Indy 225 PPIR Dan Wheldon
August 28, 2005 Molson Indy Montréal Montréal Oriol Serviŕ
August 28, 2005 Argent Mortgage Indy Grand Prix Sears Point Tony Kanaan
September 11, 2005 Peak Antifreeze Indy 300 Joliet Dan Wheldon
September 24, 2005 Champ Car Hurricane Relief 400 Las Vegas Sébastien Bourdais
September 25, 2005 Watkins Glen Indy Grand Prix Presented by Argent Mortgage Watkins Glen Scott Dixon
October 23, 2005 Lexmark Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Sébastien Bourdais
October 16, 2005 Toyota Indy 400 Fontana Dario Franchitti
November 6, 2005 Gran Premio Telmex/Tecate Presented by Banamex México City Justin Wilson
March 26, 2006 Toyota Indy 300 Presented by XM Satellite Radio Homestead Dan Wheldon
April 2, 2006 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Helio Castroneves
April 9, 2006 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Sébastien Bourdais
April 22, 2006 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Helio Castroneves
May 13, 2006 Grand Prix of Houston Houston Sébastien Bourdais
May 21, 2006 Tecate Grand Prix of Monterrey Presented by Roshfrans Monterrey Sébastien Bourdais
May 28, 2006 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Sam Hornish, Jr.
June 4, 2006 Time Warner Cable Road Runner 225 Milwaukee Sébastien Bourdais
June 4, 2006 Watkins Glen Indy Grand Prix Watkins Glen Scott Dixon
June 10, 2006 Bombardier Learjet 500 Ft. Worth Helio Castroneves
June 18, 2006 G. I. Joe's Presents the Champ Car Grand Prix of Portland Portland A. J. Allmendinger
June 24, 2006 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Sam Hornish, Jr.
June 25, 2006 Champ Car Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by U. S. Bank Cleveland A. J. Allmendinger
July 2, 2006 Kansas Lottery Indy 300 Kansas Sam Hornish, Jr.
July 9, 2006 Molson Grand Prix of Toronto Toronto A. J. Allmendinger
July 15, 2006 Firestone Indy 200 Nashville Scott Dixon
July 23, 2006 West Edmonton Mall Grand Prix Presented by The Brick Edmonton Justin Wilson
July 23, 2006 ABC Supply A. J. Foyt 225 Milwaukee Tony Kanaan
July 30, 2006 Canary Foundation Grand Prix of San José Presented by Taylor Woodrow San José Sébastien Bourdais
July 30, 2006 Firestone Indy 400 MIS Helio Castroneves
August 13, 2006 Grand Prix of Denver Presented by Bridgestone Denver A. J. Allmendinger
August 13, 2006 Meijer Indy 300 Kentucky Sam Hornish, Jr.
August 27, 2006 Molson Grand Prix of Montréal Montréal Sébastien Bourdais
August 27, 2006 Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Marco Andretti
September 10, 2006 Peak Antifreeze Indy 300 Presented by Mr. Clean Joliet Dan Wheldon
September 24, 2006 Grand Prix of Road America Elkhart Lake A. J. Allmendinger
October 22, 2006 Lexmark Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Nelson Philippe
November 12, 2006 Gran Premio Telmex Presented by Banamex México City Sébastien Bourdais
March 24, 2007 XM Satellite Radio Indy 300 Homestead Dan Wheldon
April 1, 2007 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Helio Castroneves
April 8, 2007 Vegas Grand Prix Las Vegas Will Power
April 15, 2007 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Sébastien Bourdais
April 21, 2007 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Tony Kanaan
April 22, 2007 Grand Prix of Houston Houston Sébastien Bourdais
April 29, 2007 Kansas Lottery Indy 300 Kansas Dan Wheldon
May 27, 2007 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Dario Franchitti
June 3, 2007 ABC Supply A. J. Foyt 225 Presented by Time Warner Cable Milwaukee Tony Kanaan
June 9, 2007 Bombardier Learjet 550 Ft. Worth Sam Hornish, Jr.
June 10, 2007 Mazda Champ Car Grand Prix of Portland Presented by Joe's Sports and Outdoor Portland Sébastien Bourdais
June 24, 2007 Grand Prix of Cleveland Presented by LaSalle Bank Cleveland Paul Tracy
June 24, 2007 Iowa Corn Indy 250 Presented by Ethanol Iowa Dario Franchitti
June 30, 2007 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Dario Franchitti
July 1, 2007 Champ Car Mont-Tremblant St. Jovite Robert Doornbos
July 8, 2007 Steelback Grand Prix of Toronto Toronto Will Power
July 8, 2007 Camping World Watkins Glen Grand Prix Watkins Glen Scott Dixon
July 14, 2007 Firestone Indy 200 Nashville Scott Dixon
July 22, 2007 Rexall Grand Prix of Edmonton Edmonton Sébastien Bourdais
July 22, 2007 Honda 200 at Mid-Ohio Presented by Westfield Insurance Mid-Ohio Scott Dixon
July 29, 2007 San José Grand Prix at Redback Raceway San José Robert Doornbos
August 5, 2007 Firestone Indy 400 MIS Tony Kanaan
August 11, 2007 Meijer Indy 300 Presented by Coca-Cola and Edy's Sparta Tony Kanaan
August 12, 2007 Generac Grand Prix Elkhart Lake Sébastien Bourdais
August 26, 2007 Belgian Champ Car Grand Prix Zolder Sébastien Bourdais
August 26, 2007 Motorola Indy 300 Presented by Jackson Rancheria Casino & Hotel Sears Point Scott Dixon
September 2, 2007 Bavaria Champ Car Grand Prix Powered by Audi, Gant, Hertz, Jumbo & Pioneer Assen Justin Wilson
September 2, 2007 Detroit Indy Grand Prix Presented by Firestone Detroit Tony Kanaan
September 9, 2007 PEAK Antifreeze Indy 300 Presented by Mr. Clean Joliet Dario Franchitti
October 21, 2007 Lexmark Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Sébastien Bourdais
November 11, 2007 Gran Premio Tecate Presented by Banamex México City Sébastien Bourdais
March 29, 2008 Gainsco Auto Insurance 300 Homestead Scott Dixon
April 6, 2008 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Graham Rahal
April 19, 2008 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Danica Patrick
April 20, 2008 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Will Power
April 27, 2008 RoadRunner Turbo Indy 300 Kansas Dan Wheldon
May 25, 2008 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Scott Dixon
June 1, 2008 ABC Supply A. J. Foyt Indy 225 Milwaukee Ryan Briscoe
June 7, 2008 Bombardier Learjet 550 Ft. Worth Scott Dixon
June 22, 2008 Iowa Corn Indy 250 Iowa Dan Wheldon
June 28, 2008 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Tony Kanaan
July 6, 2008 Camping World Indy Grand Prix at the Glen Watkins Glen Ryan Hunter-Reay
July 12, 2008 Firestone Indy 200 Nashville Scott Dixon
July 20, 2008 Honda Indy Grand Prix at Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Ryan Briscoe
July 26, 2008 Rexall Edmonton Indy Edmonton Scott Dixon
August 9, 2008 Meijer Indy 300 Presented by Pepsi and Edy's Sparta Scott Dixon
August 24, 2008 PEAK Antifreeze & Motor Oil Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma County Sears Point Helio Castroneves
August 31, 2008 Detroit Indy Grand Prix Presented by Firestone Detroit Justin Wilson
September 7, 2008 PEAK Antifreeze & Motor Oil Indy 300 Joliet Helio Castroneves
October 26, 2008 Nikon Indy 300 Surfers Paradise Ryan Briscoe
April 5, 2009 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Ryan Briscoe
April 19, 2009 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Dario Franchitti
April 26, 2009 Road Runner Turbo Indy 300 Kansas Scott Dixon
May 24, 2009 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Helio Castroneves
May 31, 2009 ABC Supply A. J. Foyt Indy 225 Milwaukee Scott Dixon
June 6, 2009 Bombardier Learjet 550 Ft. Worth Helio Castroneves
June 21, 2009 Iowa Corn Indy 250 Presented by Pioneer Iowa Dario Franchitti
June 27, 2009 SunTrust Indy Challenge Richmond Scott Dixon
July 5, 2009 Camping World Indy Grand Prix at The Glen Watkins Glen Justin Wilson
July 12, 2009 Honda Indy Toronto Toronto Dario Franchitti
July 26, 2009 Rexall Edmonton Indy Edmonton Will Power
August 1, 2009 Meijer Indy 300 Presented by Red Baron and Edy's Kentucky Ryan Briscoe
August 9, 2009 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Presented by Westfield Insurance Mid-Ohio Scott Dixon
August 23, 2009 Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Dario Franchitti
August 29, 2009 PEAK Antifreeze & Motor Oil Indy 300 Joliet Ryan Briscoe
September 19, 2009 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Scott Dixon
October 10, 2009 Firestone Indy 300 Homestead Dario Franchitti
March 14, 2010 Săo Paulo Indy 300 Sao Paulo Will Power
March 29, 2010 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Will Power
April 11, 2010 Indy Grand Prix of Alabama Presented by Legacy Credit Union Barber Helio Castroneves
April 18, 2010 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Ryan Hunter-Reay
May 1, 2010 Road Runner Turbo Indy 300 Kansas Scott Dixon
May 30, 2010 Indianapolis 500-Mile Race Indianapolis Dario Franchitti
June 5, 2010 Firestone 550K Ft. Worth Ryan Briscoe
June 20, 2010 Iowa Corn Indy 250 Presented by Pioneer Iowa Tony Kanaan
July 4, 2010 Camping World Indy Grand Prix at The Glen Watkins Glen Will Power
July 18, 2010 Honda Indy Toronto Toronto Will Power
July 25, 2010 Honda Indy Edmonton Edmonton Scott Dixon
August 8, 2010 Honda Indy 200 Presented by Westfield Insurance Mid-Ohio Dario Franchitti
August 22, 2010 Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Will Power
August 28, 2010 PEAK Antifreeze & Motor Oil Indy 300 Joliet Dario Franchitti
September 4, 2010 Kentucky Indy 300 Kentucky Helio Castroneves
September 19, 2010 Indy Japan 300 Motegi Helio Castroneves
October 2, 2010 Cafés do Brasil Indy 300 Homestead Scott Dixon
March 27, 2011 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Dario Franchitti
April 10, 2011 Honda Grand Prix of Alabama Barber Will Power
April 17, 2011 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Mike Conway
May 1, 2011 Itaipava Săo Paulo Indy 300 Presented by Nestlé Sao Paulo Will Power
May 29, 2011 Indianapolis 500 Mile Race Indianapolis Dan Wheldon
June 11, 2011 Firestone Twin 275 #1 Ft. Worth Dario Franchitti
June 11, 2011 Firestone Twin 275 #2 Ft. Worth Will Power
June 19, 2011 The Milwaukee 225 Milwaukee Dario Franchitti
June 25, 2011 Iowa Corn Indy 250 Iowa Marco Andretti
July 10, 2011 Honda Indy Toronto Toronto Dario Franchitti
July 24, 2011 Edmonton Indy Edmonton Will Power
August 7, 2011 Honda Indy 200 Mid-Ohio Scott Dixon
August 14, 2011 MoveThatBlock.com 225 Loudon Ryan Hunter-Reay
August 28, 2011 Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Will Power
September 4, 2011 Baltimore Grand Prix Baltimore Will Power
September 18, 2011 Indy Japan: The Final Motegi Scott Dixon
October 2, 2011 Kentucky Indy 300 Kentucky Ed Carpenter
March 25, 2012 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Helio Castroneves
April 1, 2012 Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama Barber Will Power
April 15, 2012 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Will Power
April 29, 2012 Itaipava Săo Paulo Indy 300 Presented by Nestlé Long Beach Will Power
May 27, 2012 Indianapolis 500 Mile Race Indianapolis Dario Franchitti
June 3, 2012 Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix Detroit Scott Dixon
June 9, 2012 Firestone 550 Ft. Worth Justin Wilson
June 16, 2012 Milwaukee IndyFest Presented by XYQ Milwaukee Ryan Hunter-Reay
June 23, 2012 Iowa Corn Indy 250 Iowa Ryan Hunter-Reay
July 8, 2012 Honda Indy Toronto Toronto Ryan Hunter-Reay
July 22, 2012 Edmonton Indy Edmonton Helio Castroneves
August 5, 2012 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Scott Dixon
August 26, 2012 GoPro Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Ryan Briscoe
September 2, 2012 Grand Prix of Baltimore Presented by SRT Baltimore Ryan Hunter-Reay
September 15, 2012 MAVTV 500 Presented by Lucas Oil Fontana Ed Carpenter
March 24, 2013 Honda Grand Prix of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg James Hinchcliffe
April 7, 2013 Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama Barber Ryan Hunter-Reay
April 21, 2013 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Long Beach Takuma Sato
May 5, 2013 Itaipava Săo Paulo Indy 300 Presented by Nestlé Sao Paulo James Hinchcliffe
May 26, 2013 Indianapolis 500 Mile Race Indianapolis Tony Kanaan
June 1, 2013 Chevrolet Dual in Detroit Presented by Quicken Loans Race 1 Detroit Mike Conway
June 2, 2013 Chevrolet Dual in Detroit Presented by Quicken Loans Race 2 Detroit Simon Pagenaud
June 8, 2013 Firestone 550 Ft. Worth Helio Castroneves
June 15, 2013 Milwaukee IndyFest Milwaukee Ryan Hunter-Reay
June 23, 2013 Iowa Corn Indy 250 Iowa James Hinchcliffe
July 7, 2013 Pocono INDYCAR 400 Pocono Scott Dixon
July 13, 2013 Honda Indy Toronto Race 1 Toronto Scott Dixon
July 14, 2013 Honda Indy Toronto Race 2 Toronto Scott Dixon
August 4, 2013 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Charlie Kimball
August 25, 2013 GoPro Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Will Power
September 1, 2013 Grand Prix of Baltimore Presented by SRT Baltimore Simon Pagenaud
October 5, 2013

The Shell and Pennzoil Grand Prix of Houston Race 1

Houston Scott Dixon
October 6, 2013

The Shell and Pennzoil Grand Prix of Houston Race 2

Houston Will Power
October 19, 2013


Fontana Will Power
March 30, 2014

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Will Power
April 13, 2014

Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Mike Conway
April 27, 2014 Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama Barber Ryan Hunter-Reay
May 10, 2014 Grand Prix of Indianapolis Indianapolis Simon Pagenaud
May 25, 2014 Indianapolis 500 Mile Race Indianapolis Ryan Hunter-Reay
May 31, 2014 Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit Race 1 Detroit Will Power
June 1, 2014 Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit Race 2 Detroit Helio Castroneves
June 7, 2014 Firestone 600 Ft. Worth Ed Carpenter
June 28, 2014 The Shell and Pennzoil Grand Prix of Houston Race 1 Houston Carlos Huertas
June 29, 2014 The Shell and Pennzoil Grand Prix of Houston Race 2 Houston Simon Pagenaud
July 6, 2014 Pocono INDYCAR 500 Pocono Juan Montoya
July 12, 2014 Iowa Corn Indy 300 Iowa Ryan Hunter-Reay
July 20, 2014 Honda Indy Toronto Race 1 Toronto Sébastien Bourdais
July 20, 2014 Honda Indy Toronto Race 2 Toronto Mike Conway
August 3, 2014 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Scott Dixon
August 17, 2014 ABC Supply Wisconsin 250 Milwaukee Will Power
August 24, 2014 GoPro Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Scott Dixon
August 30, 2014 MAVTV 500 Fontana Tony Kanaan
March 29, 2015

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Juan Montoya
April 12, 2015

Indy Grand Prix of Louisiana

New Orleans

James Hinchcliffe
April 19, 2015

Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Scott Dixon
April 26, 2015

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


Josef Newgarden
May 9, 2015

Angie's List Grand Prix of Indianapolis


Will Power
May 24, 2015

Indianapolis 500 Mile Race


Juan Montoya
May 30, 2015 Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit Presented by Quicken Loans Race 1 Detroit Carlos Muńoz
May 31, 2015 Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit Presented by Quicken Loans Race 2 Detroit Sébastien Boudais
June 6, 2015 Firestone 600 Ft. Worth Scott Dixon
June 14, 2015 Honda Indy Toronto Toronto Josef Newgarden
June 27, 2015 MAVTV 500 Fontana Graham Rahal
July 12, 2015 ABC Supply Wisconsin 250 Milwaukee Sébastien Boudais
July 18, 2015 Iowa Corn Indy 300 Iowa Ryan Hunter-Reay
August 2, 2015 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Graham Rahal
August 23, 2015 ABC Supply 500 Pocono Ryan Hunter-Reay
August 30, 2015 GoPro Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Scott Dixon
March 13, 2016

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Juan Montoya
April 2, 2016

Desert Diamond West Valley Phoenix Grand Prix


Scott Dixon
April 17, 2016

Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Simon Pagenaud
April 24, 2016

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


Simon Pagenaud
May 14, 2016

Angie's List Grand Prix of Indianapolis


Simon Pagenaud
May 29, 2016

100th Running of the Indy 500 Presented by PennGrade Motor Oil


Alexander Rossi
June 4, 2016 Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit Race 1 Detroit Sébastien Boudais
June 5, 2016 Chevrolet Indy Dual in Detroit Race 2 Detroit Will Power
June 26, 2016 KOHLER Grand Prix Elkhart Lake Will Power
July 10, 2016 Iowa Corn Indy 300 Iowa Josef Newgarden
July 17, 2016 Honda Indy Toronto Toronto Will Power
July 31, 2016 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Simon Pagenaud
August 22, 2016 ABC Supply 500 Pocono Will Power
August 27, 2016 Firestone 600 Ft. Worth Graham Rahal
September 4, 2016 INDYCAR Grand Prix at The Glen Watkins Glen Scott Dixon
September 18, 2016 Go Pro Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Simon Pagenaud
March 12, 2017

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Sébastien Bourdais
April 9, 2017

Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

James Hinchcliffe
April 23, 2017

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


Josef Newgarden
April 29, 2017

Desert Diamond West Valley Phoenix Grand Prix


Simon Pagenaud
May 13, 2017

INDYCAR Grand Prix


Will Power
May 28, 2017

101st Running of the Indy 500 Presented by PennGrade Motor Oil


Takuma Sato
June 3, 2017

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Presented by Lear Race 1


Graham Rahal
June 4, 2017

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Presented by Lear Race 2


Graham Rahal
June 10, 2017

Rainguard Water Sealers 600

Ft. Worth

Will Power
June 25, 2017 KOHLER Grand Prix Elkhart Lake Scott Dixon
July 9, 2017 Iowa Corn 300 Iowa Helio Castroneves
July 16, 2017 Honda Indy Toronto Toronto Josef Newgarden
July 30, 2017 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Mid-Ohio Josef Newgarden
August 20, 2017 ABC Supply 500 Pocono Will Power
August 26, 2017 Bommarito Automotive Group 500 Gateway Josef Newgarden
September 3, 2017 INDYCAR Grand Prix at The Glen Watkins Glen Alexander Rossi
September 17, 2017 Go Pro Grand Prix of Sonoma Sears Point Simon Pagenaud
March 11, 2018

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Sébastien Bourdais
April 7, 2018

Desert Diamond Phoenix Grand Prix


Josef Newgarden
April 15, 2018

Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Alexander Rossi
April 22, 2018

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


Josef Newgarden
May 12, 2018

INDYCAR Grand Prix


Will Power
May 27, 2018

102nd Running of the Indy 500 Presented by PennGrade Motor Oil


Will Power
June 2, 2018

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Presented by Lear Race 1


Scott Dixon
June 3, 2018

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Presented by Lear Race 2


Ryan Hunter-Reay
June 9, 2018

DXC Technology 600

Ft. Worth

Scott Dixon
June 24, 2018

KOHLER Grand Prix

Elkhart Lake

Josef Newgarden
July 8, 2018

Iowa Corn 300


James Hinchcliffe
July 15, 2018

Honda Indy Toronto


Scott Dixon
July 29, 2018

Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio


Alexander Rossi
August 19, 2018

ABC Supply 500


Alexander Rossi
August 25, 2018

Bommarito Automotive Group 500


Will Power
September 2, 2018

Grand Prix of Portland


Takuma Sato
September 16, 2018

INDYCAR Grand Prix of Sonoma

Sears Point

Ryan Hunter-Reay
March 10, 2019

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Josef Newgarden
March 24, 2019



Colton Herta
April 7, 2019

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


Takuma Sato
April 14, 2019

Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Alexander Rossi
May 11, 2019

INDYCAR Grand Prix


Simon Pagenaud
May 26, 2019

103rd Running of the Indianapolis 500 Presented by Gainbridge


Simon Pagenaud
June 1, 2019

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Race 1


Josef Newgarden
June 2, 2019

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Race 2


Scott Dixon
June 8, 2019

DXC Technology 600

Ft. Worth

Josef Newgarden
June 23, 2019

REV Group Grand Prix at Road America

Elkhart Lake

Alexander Rossi
July 14, 2019

Honda Indy Toronto


Simon Pagenaud
July 20, 2019

Iowa 300


Josef Newgarden
July 28, 2019

Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio


Scott Dixon
August 18, 2019

ABC Supply 500


Will Power
August 24, 2019

Bommarito Automotive Group 500


Takuma Sato
September 1, 2019

Grand Prix of Portland


Will Power
September 22, 2019

Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey

Laguna Seca

Colton Herta
April 5, 2020

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


**Race Cancelled**
April 19, 2020

Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

**Race Cancelled**
April 26, 2020

AutoNation INDYCAR Challenge


**Race Cancelled**
May 30, 2020

Chevrolet Dual in Detroit Race 1


**Race Cancelled**
May 31, 2020

Chevrolet Dual in Detroit Race 2


**Race Cancelled**
June 6, 2020

Genesys 300

Ft. Worth

Scott Dixon
June 27, 2020

Indy Richmond 300


**Race Cancelled**
July 4, 2020

GMR Grand Prix


Scott Dixon
July 12, 2020

Honda Indy Toronto


**Race Cancelled**
July 11, 2020

REV Group Grand Prix at Road America Race 1

Elkhart Lake

Scott Dixon
July 12, 2020

REV Group Grand Prix at Road America Race 2

Elkhart Lake

Felix Rosenqvist
July 17, 2020

Iowa INDYCAR 250s Race 1


Simon Pagenaud
July 18, 2020

Iowa INDYCAR 250s Race 2


Josef Newgarden
August 23, 2020

104th Running of the Indianapolis 500 Presented by Gainbridge


Takuma Sato
August 29, 2020

Bommarito Automotive Group 500 Race 1


Scott Dixon
August 30, 2020

Bommarito Automotive Group 500 Race 2


Josef Newgarden
September 12, 2020

Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Race 1


Will Power
September 13, 2020

Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Race 2


Colton Herta
September 13, 2020

Grand Prix of Portland


**Race Cancelled**
September 19, 2020

Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey Race 1

Laguna Seca

**Race Cancelled**
September 20, 2020

Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey Race 2

Laguna Seca

**Race Cancelled**
October 2, 2020

Harvest Grand Prix Race 1


Josef Newgarden
October 3, 2020

Harvest Grand Prix Race 2


Will Power
October 25, 2020

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Josef Newgarden
April 18, 2021

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


Álex Palou
April 25, 2021

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Colton Herta
May 1, 2021

Genesys 300

Ft. Worth

Scott Dixon
May 2, 2021

XPEL 375

Ft. Worth

Patricio O'Ward
May 15, 2021

GMR Grand Prix


Rinus VeeKay
May 30, 2021

105th Running of the Indianapolis 500 Presented by Gainbridge


Helio Castroneves
June 12, 2021

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Race 1


Marcus Ericsson
June 13, 2021

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Race 2


Patricio O'Ward
June 20, 2021

REV Group Grand Prix

Elkhart Lake

Álex Palou
July 4, 2021

Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio


Josef Newgarden
August 8, 2021

Big Machine Music City Grand Prix


Marcus Ericsson
August 14, 2021

Big Machine Spiked Coolers Grand Prix


Will Power
August 21, 2021

Bommarito Automotive Group 500


Josef Newgarden
September 12, 2021

Grand Prix of Portland


Álex Palou
September 19, 2021

Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey

Laguna Seca

Colton Herta
September 26, 2021

Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Colton Herta
February 27, 2022

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

Scott McLaughlin
March 20, 2022

XPEL 375

Ft. Worth

Josef Newgarden
April 10, 2022

Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Josef Newgarden
May 1, 2022

Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama


Patricio O'Ward
May 14, 2022

GMR Grand Prix


Colton Herta
May 29, 2022

106th Running of the Indianapolis 500 Presented by Gainbridge


Marcus Ericsson
June 5, 2022

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Presented by Lear


Will Power
June 12, 2022

Sonsio Grand Prix Presented by Road America

Elkhart Lake

Josef Newgarden
July 3, 2022 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Presented by the All-New 2023 Civic Type R


Scott McLaughlin
July 17, 2022 Honda Indy Toronto


Scott Dixon
July 23, 2022 Hy-VeeDeals.com 250


Josef Newgarden
July 24, 2022 Hy-Vee Salute to Farmers 300


Patricio O'Ward
July 30, 2022 Gallagher Grand Prix


Alexander Rossi
August 7, 2022

Big Machine Music City Grand Prix


Scott Dixon
August 20, 2022

Bommarito Automotive Group 500


Josef Newgarden
September 4, 2022

Grand Prix of Portland


Scott McLaughlin
September 11, 2022

Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey

Laguna Seca

Álex Palou
March 5, 2023

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg Presented by RP Funding

St. Petersburg

Marcus Ericsson
April 2, 2023

PPG 375

Ft. Worth

Josef Newgarden
April 16, 2023

Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Kyle Kirkwood
April 30, 2023

Children's of Alabama Indy Grand Prix Presented by AmFirst


Scott McLaughlin
May 13, 2023

GMR Grand Prix


Álex Palou
May 28, 2023

107th Running of the Indianapolis 500 Presented by Gainbridge


Josef Newgarden
June 4, 2023

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Presented by Lear


Álex Palou
June 18, 2023

Sonsio Grand Prid at Road America Presented by AMR

Elkhart Lake

Álex Palou
July 2, 2023 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Presented by the 2023 Accord Hybrid


Álex Palou
July 16, 2023 Honda Indy Toronto


Christian Lundgaard
July 22, 2023 Hy-Vee HomeFront 250


Josef Newgarden
July 23, 2023 Hy-Vee One Step 250


Josef Newgarden
August 6, 2023 Big Machine Music City Grand Prix


Kyle Kirkwood
August 12, 2023 Gallagher Grand Prix


Scott Dixon
August 27, 2023 Bommarito Automotive Group 500 Presented by Axalta and Valvoline


Scott Dixon
September 3, 2023 BITNILE.COM Grand Prix of Portland Portland Álex Palou
September 10, 2023

Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey

Laguna Seca

Scott Dixon
March 10, 2024

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg Presented by RP Funding

St. Petersburg

Patricio O'Ward
March 24, 2024

The Thermal Club $1 Million Challenge


Álex Palou
April 21, 2024

Acura Grand Prix of Long Beach

Long Beach

Scott Dixon
April 28, 2024

Children's of Alabama Indy Grand Prix


Scott McLaughlin
May 11, 2024

Sonsio Grand Prix


Álex Palou
May 26, 2024

108th Running of the Indianapolis 500 Presented by Gainbridge


Josef Newgarden
June 2, 2024

Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix Presented by Lear


Scott Dixon
June 9, 2024

XPEL Grand Prix at Road America

Elkhart Lake

Will Power
June 23, 2024

Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey

Laguna Seca

Álex Palou
July 7, 2024 Honda Indy 200 at Mid-Ohio Presented by the 2025 Civic Hybrid


Patricio O'Ward
July 13, 2024 Hy-Vee Homefront 250 Presented by Instacart


Scott McLaughlin
July 14, 2024 Hy-Vee One Step 250 Presented by Gatorade


Will Power
July 21, 2024 Ontario Honda Dealers Indy Toronto


Colton Herta
August 17, 2024 Bommarito Automotive Group 500


Josef Newgarden
August 25, 2024 BITNILE.COM Grand Prix of Portland Portland Will Power
August 31, 2024 Hy-Vee Milwaukee Mile 250 Race 1 Milwaukee Patricio O'Ward
September 1, 2024 Hy-Vee Milwaukee Mile 250 Race 2 Milwaukee Scott McLaughlin
September 15, 2024 Big Machine Music City Grand Prix Presented by Gainbridge Nashville Colton Herta
March 2, 2025

Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg Presented by RP Funding

St. Petersburg

Álex Palou